

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!
I realize that it has been about 7 months since my last blog post and my 2013 Resolution is to be a more consistent blogger (or at least, try to be). I started this blog almost exactly one year ago. It was inspired by the events that occurred between January 26 - February 4, 2012. It's amazing how such devastating and disappointing news can turn into an unexpected blessing in such a short amount of time. The entire direction/path of my life changed in the span of a week. I'm still in awe of how the Universe reveals those little special secrets and surprises when you least expect and most need it.

So since my last blog post which was on my birthday LAST year I've........

.....moved back to Guyana.
.....moved to a new city in Guyana.
.....moved into a new house in that new city in Guyana.
.....got married.
.....started a new job.

And that was just July and August.

Needless to say my life has been VERY full.
Full of LOVE and CHANGE and TRANSITION and LEARNING and NEWNESS and STRESS and HAPPINESS and STUDENTS and SUNSHINE and CHALLENGES and FRIENDS and NOISE and LAUGHTER and TEARS and CELEBRATIONS and MISUNDERSTANDINGS and BLESSINGS. My life is full of all kinds of amazing and wonderful things, as well as all those hard not so easy things. I'm convinced at this point that I have to learn how to embrace both the good, the easy, the happy, the joyful AND the hard, the challenging, the sad, the frustrating. That is really what life is. Learning. Moving forward. The process of the challenging and hard stuff becoming easier.

So as the Universe continues to steer me in unknown directions I will continue to remind myself that being full is a good thing........now, off to go eat lunch.

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