
....and so it begins

I told myself on January 1, 2012 that this year was going to be my year. Good things were coming my way and it all was going to work out. Last year (2011) was a year of endings, transitions, challenges, failures, lessons learned, and some successes. It was hard transitioning back to life in the US after 2+ years living in Guyana and being in the Peace Corps. That experience was by far one of the most profound things I ever decided to do and it has forever changed me in ways that I still have yet to discover. I miss it everyday and think about the people and the country that I left. I knew coming back was going to be hard, but I never anticipated all the challenges I would face in the months that I have been back. Some things got easier with time, some things took more time, and some things I am still learning to adjust to. With that said I thought that when the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2012 I was going to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. In some ways I did, I decided to approach life with a different attitude, instead of looking at all the challenges and setbacks as a negative thing I decided to look at them as a way to learn, grow, and gain new ideas, perspectives, and skills. Good thing too because we are only 2 months in and it has already been quite the year.

So here it is my New Year's Resolutions for 2012:
-Realize that failure is NOT the worse thing that can happen. Lot's of really GOOD life lessons come from failing and it is really one of the best ways to learn and grow in order to become a better person.
-Roll with the punches. Change is inevitable. My life has been a multiple series of Plan B's. It's nice to have a plan, but usually the universe has other one's in mind and it's OK to change them.
-Work on being more patient and gentle with myself
-GIVE THANKS! I am blessed with amazing family, friends, experiences, opportunities, and options. The more I express my gratitude to every person and experience that enhances me and my life the more I realize how beautiful and amazing this world is and I don't focus as much on the stress and anxiety that can build up in my daily life.
-Be open to what the Universe has in store for me........

Welcome to my adventure!

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