
four for 34

Last year I made a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 34. Well, I turned 34 9 days ago and I just went and reread that list. I was surprised that I achieved a good 2/3 of the things on it. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I notice I tend to focus on all the things I failed to do, or things I didn't do well/correctly, etc. I didn't read the books I said I was going to read, I still can't do unassisted pull-ups, fold myself into pigeon pose in yoga, and I think my quest for patience is going to be a lifelong journey.  However, instead of focusing on all the things I didn't achieve, and setting myself up with another list of things I may or may not accomplish I want to do something a little different for this trip around the sun.

Part 1: notes of gratitude

In my opinion there is nothing better to improve the mood then to sit back and take note of all the things to be grateful for in life. It's an opportunity to live within the present moment and to realize that life is not nearly as bad as it may seem sometimes. It's so easy to think about all the stuff that is lacking like time, money, etc., but then unexpected and wonderful things happen and it snaps you right out.
So here's the plan, I'm going to take note (verbally, mentally, on a post-it, in a journal, in a letter, in an email, on this blog, etc.) of those things that I am most grateful for, big and small. I will do my best to keep track of them all and on my 35th birthday I will compile the most spectacular list of all the most wonderful things that have happened throughout the year.

Part 2: love the one you're with

I'm a teacher and surrounded by people all day, but the one person I'm with all the time is.....me. I need to do my best to love myself to the best of my ability. When I married my husband I made all kinds of vows to love him and honor him during all kinds of happy and sad stuff, but how can I do that for him if I don't vow to do those things for myself first. So I'm vowing to honor, love, cherish, and protect myself. I will make sure I get enough exercise, because it makes me feel good about myself, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I will eat foods that make me happy, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I will take time for myself when I need it. I will surround myself by people who challenge to make me better. I will use my free time to surround myself with the ones I love or doing things that make me happy (and if that means watching re-runs of Scandal, than that is my choice).

Part 3: do what you love and love what you do

I love a lot of things, but if I had to narrow down my VERY favorite things I would say I love learning, food, books, and dancing (in no particular order). And that is where you come in. I'm taking suggestions. If there are books you have read that you have fallen in love with or that blew your mind, please pass them on and let me know about them. If there are recipes, foods, restaurants that have rocked your taste buds tell me all about it. If there is a new band or song that just gets you bopping every time you hear it, please send it to me. If you see a video, TED talk, movie, book, lecture, website, etc. with the most fascinating fact/idea/invention, share away. And not just with me, but with all the other awesome people in your world. I would really like to make this year all about passing on the AWESOMENESS!

Part 4: the bucket list

I think it is supremely important to have hopes, dreams, and goals. I also think it is important to not talk yourself out of them just because they seem impossible. So this year I am going to start a serious bucket list with all of the things I have always wanted to do, places I have wanted to go, things I have wanted to eat, and people I have wanted to meet. No matter how ridiculous, if it is a dream it will go on the list. I have learned to NEVER underestimate the power of your dreams, and the sense of humor of the Universe.

I would like to take a moment to say thank you for helping me out with my four part plan for making this next year supremely AMAZING!